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Trusted Authority - The Podcast

Jul 31, 2022

As the saying goes … if you want better answers, you need to ask better questions.

This is exactly what the role of a coach is all about: getting their clients to think differently by asking questions that they may not have asked themselves and/or that are uncomfortable.

No matter if you’re starting building your...

Jul 24, 2022

There is a misconception about the fact that in order to be a Trusted Authority in your space you have to come up with a completely new solution the world hasn’t seen, or patent a product that’s brand new or have a unique insight into a topic that has never been discussed before.

And none of that is the case and...

Jul 17, 2022

“How do I know when I have enough expertise to start building my personal brand around it or commercialise my expertise?”


This is a question I get asked a lot. 

No matter if you’re a corporate professional, entrepreneur, career pivoter, educator … doesn't matter - this topic applies to everyone as I know that...

Jul 10, 2022

If you want to learn what it takes to build (personal and business) brands, that can leave a legacy and live beyond you - this episode is for you!


We are joined by Phil Di Bella, who I'd call a serial entrepreneur, futuristic leader and remarkable builder of brands, businesses and people.


It’s a juicy conversation...

Jul 3, 2022

If you’ve ever been picked last, missed out on promotions, weren’t even considered for an opportunity or didn’t get the buy in, may it be figuratively or financially, chances are - the decision maker didn’t trust you.

Good news?  

You can change that if you want people to trust you - there’s one thing you need...